
How many words in 5 pages

March 27, 2025 4.9K views

If you might be wondering how many words encompasses 5 pages in WPS Word, there is a simple answer to it. The number of words in 5 pages varies depending on the Font Type being used given if the Font Size, Margin, Line-Spacing, and other configurations and functions kept constant for every Font.  

In the below article, an 18 pages sample essay is used as an example to check the total number of words accommodated in 5 pages.

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The Word Count for each Font Type is demonstrated in the below paragraphs.

How many words in 5 pages (Arial)?

Example 1: The number of words in 5 pages when the Font Type Arial is used while a Font Size of 12, Line Spacing of 1.5 and standard Margins are kept.

As seen in the screenshot above, in the 18 pages and 3940 words essay there are 25035 number of words in the selected first five pages.

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How many words in 5 pages (Times New Roman)

Example 2: The number of words in 5 pages when the Font Type Times New Roman is used while a Font Size of 12, Line Spacing of 1.5 and standard Margins are kept.

Times New Roman accommodates the most number of words as in the 18 pages and 3940 words essay there are 2778 number of words in the selected first five pages, which is the most among all the other font types.

How many words in 5 pages (Candara) ?

Example 3:  The number of words in 5 pages when the font type is Candara is used while a Font Size of 12, Line Spacing of 1.5 and standard Margins are kept.

Candara accommodates the least number of words as out of the 18 pages and 3940 words essay there are 2489 number of words in the selected first five pages.

How many words in 5 pages (Calibri) ?

Example 4: The number of words in 5 pages when the font type is Calibri (Body) is used while a Font Size of 12, Line Spacing of 1.5 and standard Margins are kept.

In the last case, out of the 18 pages and 3940 words essay there are 2561 number of words in the selected first five pages.  


After checking with the four fonts above, we came to know that the number of words varies in 5 pages of WPS Word depending on the Font Type used. The number of words in the five pages in will decrease evenly for all the five Font types if the Font Size, Margins, Line Space and other functions are increased and would be otherwise if they are decreased. Stay connected to learn more, you can also visit WPS Academy for learning about WPS Document/presentation/excel/PDF. Download WPS now! 

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