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How to add watermarks to a table
Uploaded time: March 28, 2022 Difficulty Beginner
How to add watermarks to a table

How to add watermarks to a table
Watermarking a document can prevent it from being misused by others; the good news is that watermarks can be added to an excel table.
We'll look at two different ways to add watermarks to your table today.
The first approach is merely adding a single watermark, which can be utilized for a single-page table.
Click Insert, and then click WordArt. Select a style to be inserted, and input the watermark content.
The font style can be changed further by clicking Setting in Text Tools. You can also change the font's color and transparency in TEXT OPTIONS on the right pane.
Then we can select the text, rotate its angle, and put it in the right position so that a single watermark is made.
You can click Print Preview to see the effect.
The second approach allows us to make several repeated watermarks when multiple pages are printed. Create a new sheet first, and then apply a watermark using the steps we just learned.
Click the View tab and uncheck View Gridlines, so that the grid lines are temporarily hidden. Then, we can go to the Insert tab and click Screenshot to capture this watermark and save it.
Finally, let's go back to the table to insert watermarks. Click Page Layout and click Background. Double-click the saved image if you want the watermark backdrop to cover the entire form.
When you click Print Preview to check the effect, you might not be able to see the watermark. This is because the background cannot be printed in WPS Spreadsheet.
Here is a tip: Press Ctrl+A to select the entire sheet and click the Camera button in the Insert tab.
Hold down the mouse and drag in the newly generated sheet worksheet, and the sheet's image will appear at this moment. Then, in the print preview, click the Print Preview button to see the watermark effect.
This is all about how to add watermarks to a table. Did you get it?
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