
Best Free Report Card Templates

July 31, 2023 2.7K views

The report card has structure, no doubt about it. It takes a long time to generate so many for so many students. Any teacher must make sure they're completed properly, though.

Students and parents can both track progress in a student's educational progression through report cards, which can be painful to read at times.

It's important to pay attention to how you phrase your comments. Both positive and negative comments are too often made by teachers. Well-done or very satisfactorily are good terms to use for success, and rarely or needs improvement are better for areas the students need improvement. 

What is a Report Card?

School or college teachers send this report to parents. Teachers or institutions provide parents with information about their children's academic performance and behavior. As a result, parents can monitor their child's academic progress very easily.

For parents and students, an effective report card is easy to understand. According to the graded curriculum, the report card should explain what the student knows and can demonstrate. It is educators' responsibility to ensure that judgments reported on student learning are accurate and current. Students' typical performance should be taken into account. Elements not related to the curriculum should be excluded. Students, parents, and teachers should be acknowledged in the report card for their participation in the learning process.

Purpose of Report Cards

In elementary, middle, and secondary schools, one report grade is typically given for each academic subject. Students learning levels are shown along with their grades at grade level, above grade level, and below grade level. 

Academics, school behavior, attitude, and effort are reported on report cards in a multidimensional manner. Parents are informed about their children's academic, social, and life skills development.

These intended learning outcomes are represented as standards on schools' report cards, instead of conventional, subject-based report cards. Report cards identify students' strengths and weaknesses, and identify skills in which they struggle.

When is a Report Issued to the Parents?

A school or college usually issues this once or twice a year to parents. Usually, mid-term results are announced in the middle of the academic year, and annual results are announced at the end of the academic year. Parents receive their children's report cards monthly in some institutions.

This is primarily to keep parents informed about their children's academic progress and behavior. 

This report can help parents determine whether their children are performing well or poorly, and in the same context, they can pay more attention to their child's weaknesses. 

Throughout all these processes, the child's performance is further improved academically, personally, and intellectually.

How is Grading Done in a Report?

Grades are used to measure each child's performance in the report. Depending on the institution, this may be done by assigning grades between 1 and 5 or 10. It is therefore considered that a child who gets 1st grade is the best. The 2nd grade is the lowest grade a child can obtain. It is also considered the worst student if a student gets 10 grades.

On the other hand, some schools grade based on the alphabet (levels). Percentage grading systems are also common methods of reporting student performance, such as A +, A, B +, B, C, and D. 

Instead of stating the level or number, this method states the percentage of the student's performance. When a child obtains a good percentage, he/she is considered capable and good.

Basic Components?

1. Information about students

An academic report must contain information about the student. The name, class, grade, phone number, and email address of the student's father or guardian, as well as the student's home address.

2. Results and descriptions of subjects

Every result card begins with this most important thing. With each subject, it contains details about the subjects taught to the student and their grades. 

Students and parents can easily determine their marks based on the total numbers written in each subject. Each subject is also accompanied by its percentage of marks. A student's academic performance is described in this section of the report.

3. Teacher's comments

A report card's most important feature is the teacher's comments. Student's academic and intellectual performance is summarized in this part of their results. 

Not only for the student, but also the student's parents, these comments describe the student's role, attitude, thoughts, academic performance, and character, all of which are essential.

4. Make sure the report card describes your student's progress in detail

Students' performance across subjects and school activities can be communicated to their parents through report cards. Consequently, report cards are an important tool for communication and evaluation.

Designing one doesn't have to be as challenging as computing, deliberating, and finalizing a student's grade. A report card can be quickly and easily created with Canva even if you have little to no design experience.

Hundreds of professionally-made templates are available in our library, each of which can be customized using our suite of design elements. 

Your time and effort can be focused on accurately and comprehensively describe your students' performances and hard work in a school with our editor's drag-and-drop simplicity.

5. Make your school's report card unique

There should be a reflection of the uniqueness of each school on their report cards. You're just one click away from a unique report card you'll use every year with hundreds of templates and thousands of design elements.

Make your report card stand out by choosing one of our professional templates. As a result, you can edit the information by altering the text and colors to match your school's branding. The upload tool allows you to insert your school's logo and other existing graphics to remain consistent with its identity.

6. Collaborate easily with your co-teachers

When creating a report card, it is critical to discuss the final grade with your colleagues and get their feedback. It is common for a teacher's schedule to become too busy, especially during finals week, making on-site collaboration difficult. 

You can get your design's unique link by clicking the Share button on the editor toolbar. Send them the link via email or send them an invitation by messaging them if you want them to have editing or viewing access. 

By logging into their own Canva account on any computer, iPhone, iPad, or Android device, anyone you send the link to can access your design.

7. Report according to your preference

You can use Canva to create your student evaluations digitally or by handwriting them with a pen. Are you interested in going digital? Make a few copies of the report card by clicking the ‘Copy this page’ icon in the design app. 

Your students' names, grades, and evaluations can be added using our text editor. If you save your report card as a PNG or JPEG file, you can send it to parents via email or print it.

How to make a Homeschool Report Card

1. Inspire yourself

You'll never have to start from scratch again since we offer thousands of professionally designed templates. Once you find a graphic you like, tap or click to open the document in the editor; you can search by platform, task, aesthetic, mood, and color.

2. Spin it your way

Report card templates can be customized in many ways. You can change the font and copy. Put your photos in place of the imagery. 

Customize the graphic however you like. In addition, you can automatically apply your brand's logo, colors, and fonts with a premium plan.

3. Put your best foot forward

With our exclusive design assets, you can add extra flair and personality to your projects. So you can focus on your message and style, we've taken care of all the boring technical stuff. Your design can also be brought to life by adding collaborators to your project.

4. Make your content stretch by resizing

The days of memorizing image dimensions for each platform are over. By using our handy, auto-magical resizing feature, you can easily modify a design for any printed need or social network. Adapt it to the platform you want by duplicating the project, hitting resize, and selecting the platform. 

Guidelines for Effective Report Card Templates

In-school report cards intended for parents and school board members, including information about all content categories listed here.

When financial resources are limited, include the following information in school report cards for parents: 

  • Data on school safety and parental involvement, as well as statistics on the school environment

  • Special education courses and magnet school programs are examples of programmatic offerings

  • Staffing of schools and characteristics of teachers, such as average class sizes and advanced degrees held by teachers

Include information about standardized testing and programmatic offerings on report cards for school board members.

Display indicators of school quality over a three-year or longer time, preferably based on historical values. There was a strong preference among school board members for historical data.

The current indicators of quality should be displayed beside averages for the district that contains the school, as well as other reference values, such as averages for the state. Such comparisons were strongly preferred by school board members.

Provide parents and school board members with sufficient information on school report cards by making them at least four pages long.

Parents and school board members should receive the same report cards, which should include a mixture of tabular and graphical presentation formats.

The information should be presented in appropriate tables and graphs, with limited narration, if separate report cards are prepared for board members.

Use a narrative format with a limited amount of tables and graphs if separate report cards are provided to parents.

Around the turn of the century, school administrators in the United States prepared the first school report cards. Having published Columbus School Profile: A Report to the Community in 1969, a renaissance in their preparation began. 

In most districts today, school report cards are used; in some states, they are even mandated. In an effective report, parents can learn what is right and what needs improvement in their children's schools and the public can learn what is right and what needs improvement in local schools.

Comments on Report Cards: Their Benefits

Comments on report cards have the following advantages:

A simple method of assessment

A traditional letter grade, such as A, C+, or similar, is used here to evaluate students. Although some schools consider letter grades old-fashioned, letter grades and similar scales of evaluation encompass different terms or semesters of students' education. 

Parents benefit most from this assessment process since they can see their child's academic achievements at a glance.

Tracks the student's progress

Teachers and parents can better understand how students are evolving and improving by using an easy assessment system. 

Students need to have report cards because it's a great way to keep track of their progress. Careers, sports, music, and other facets of a student's life are all evaluated. 

As well as showing the student's natural talents and interests, report cards can highlight areas where they can improve. 

Provides Student Motivation

Students can see where they stand and how they can improve with effort and inspiration by reviewing their letter grades. Additionally, they will see what they need to do to achieve certain goals later on in their education, such as getting a scholarship or getting into college.

Solves accuracy concerns

We must not forget that letters and easier assessment grades help tie together so much—test scores, project efforts, and specific skills. Report cards can be simple and comprehensive at the same time.

Report Card Templates

The grade report for high school

Using this report card template, you can grade your student's performance for the year.

Report card for parents

This report card template can be used to record the yearly performance of your students.

The annual report cards

Using this report card template, you can break down the scores your students achieved.

A student's report card

This report card template can be used to share the performance of your students.

Report card for schools

Make your report cards look creative by using this template to present the grades of your students.


In the first place, report cards should communicate with the child and family about the child's progress and learning. Make sure you connect with your child's teacher or school if you don't understand the report card. Your child can learn more than just the grade he or she gets at school, so seek information about other topics your child might be studying. Get more information by downloading the WPS Office software.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.