
Diet Plan to Help Skinny Female to Gain Weight (With Writing Instructions)

July 31, 2023 1.4K views

The reasons behind gaining weight vary. You could be recovering from illness, and you struggle to gain weight. Or, you are retiring from athletics and love to gain some muscle. Also, age could catch up on you and your body responds by shaking off weight naturally. There is hope for you. You can design an effective weight gain diet plan and achieve your goals quickly.

Sadly, there are some cases where even the best diet plan doesn’t help. Such a scenario occurs when you have an underlying health problem. It means it is imperative to investigate the reasons behind your underweight before embarking on your weight gain journey.

It is best to involve the services of a healthcare consultant. A reputable doctor will carry out a thorough investigation of your weight loss before approving your weight gain mission. Additionally, a care provider can recommend the best digital template to adopt and track your weight progress. WPS office templates perform better than many online apps.

How to Create A Diet Plan for Weight Gain

A weight gain diet is not a ticket to indulge in junk food. It requires a well-thought-out approach that involves planning your nutrient intake to give your body the necessary balance. Junk food can increase your muscle but has detrimental effects on your body. Healthy weight gain isn’t a race but a carefully thought-out plan that involves the following steps:

1. Determine Your Daily Calorie Intake

Your being underweight is your body’s way of communication. It says that your diet supplies you with fewer calories, and you need to fix this imbalance by consuming a nutrient-dense diet. Plan your eating to include carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, healthy fats, and oils.

The body will absorb the calories you need to boost your weight if you can start with small adjustments. The average daily calorie intake for a female is 2000. So it would help if you aimed to add 300-500 more to gain weight steadily. If your body burns more calories than your daily intake, adjust your calorie intake to 700-1000. These are estimates; work with a nutritionist to correct the variations.

You don’t need to measure calories daily for the long haul. Incorporating foods that aid healthy weight gain offers the best solution. For instance, homemade smoothies pack a lot of proteins and allow you to consume high calories without struggling.

2. Plan Your Daily Protein Intake

You’ve two reliable sources of proteins at your disposal, animal and plant proteins. Prepare tasty recipes using protein-rich fruits to make the most out of plants. Bananas, apples, berries, and nuts combine with chocolate to give you more calories than your body’s maintenance level. You will surely get 400-600 extra calories from a single serving.

The animal protein combo includes poultry products, red meat, and fish. Increase the amount of these foods to achieve optimal growth and development. Your body will grow muscle and strengthen the bones to withstand intense activities.

It would help if you were cautious with animal products. They provide counteractive effects to your weight gain initiative. It is because proteins fill you, limiting the consumption of more calories. And you can’t consume excess proteins because they render the body vulnerable to lifestyle diseases such as heart disease

3. Eat More Carbohydrates

Remember that the weight gain process is the opposite of weight loss. Rather than reducing calories, you aim to increase to build muscle. Therefore, consuming plenty of carbohydrates increases your weight. The more food servings per day, the better, and you should start to appreciate three times per day meals with plenty of carbohydrates and proteins.

4. Indulge in More Energy-Dense Food

Your diet should feature whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. Aim to consume plenty of this food as much as you can. You can spice them up to increase your appetite and walk past your body’s resistance zone hurdle.

What does dense food look like? They are the common foods in your pantry. They include nuts, seeds such as almonds, raisins, milk, meat, and roots such as yams and potatoes.

Set a reasonable time frame to achieve your weight gain goals.

Our bodies are wired differently, and you shouldn’t pump in more calories than it can take. The best weekly weight recommendation is 1-2 lbs per week, and working within this range benefits your health immensely.

If you are eating right and following your resistance exercise routine, your body should be loading more calories than it is burning. You can confirm this theory by checking your muscle and fat. If your tracking shows a proportional increase in fat and muscle, you should be happy because you are nailing it.

The other practices that support safe weight gain include regular exercise, less stress, and quality sleep. These routines support building lean muscle and help distribute fat evenly. The bottom line is those safe weight gain strategies help you to increase weight without exposing your body to diseases.

Gaining a healthy weight is a process that builds on healthy calorie choices. And assuming you have done it correctly, you should achieve your weekly target of between 2500-3500 calories and 6.5kg in six months. However, achieving this milestone can be hard because your body could respond slowly to calorie intake.

Such reports are common, and research associates them with the body’s set point. It is a level where the body resists additional calories and responds by reducing hunger. Often, this resistance stems from the body’s hormonal system.

5.Calculate Your Daily Dietary Intake

A daily calorie increase of 500-1000 is easier said than done. You should figure out food choices to incorporate into your diet to reach this goal. For instance, a combination of 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of bagel, and six dried apricots can give you 500 calories, bringing you to your daily target.

Focus on food categories that offer you the luxury of a balanced diet to get all the nutrients your body requires. Avoid low-calorie foods such as sodas, water, and coffee. Use fruit smoothies and milkshakes. Fresh fruits are healthy, but you risk consuming more fiber. Instead, use canned fruits because they pack more calories.

6.Create A Pleasant Eating Routine

500-1000 additional calories daily aren’t achievable when you stick with your usual routine. And you’ll want to create a new plan to help you pump in the extra calories without wearing your system. Here’s an effortless way to reach your milestone.

Break Your Eating Times into Several Sections

Eating small portions doesn’t bombard your body with nutrients. You aim to keep away resistance and allow more calories to sink. Therefore, include at least three meals daily and multiple snacking times. It encourages you to eat even when you don’t want to.

Device Creative Ways to Stimulate Your Appetite

You have several ways to knock out the feeling of lack of appetite. You can use spices to whip up tasty meals. Alternatively, leverage preference to stock your favorite foods; it works wonders. Enjoy your food in the company of others; eating in a group encourages you to do an additional plate even if you have reached your capacity.

Tweak Your Meal Times to Accommodate Large Amounts of Food

Use meal times to your advantage. Learn to increase the amount of food you eat by increasing servings. Use the principle of small portions to achieve your target in each meal.

Drink Appetite-Stimulating Beverages 30 Minutes Before Meals

Some people prefer wine. There is nothing wrong with that. Wine is a low nutritional value drink, and it helps to Stimulate Appetite.

Use Aesthetics to Create A Pleasant Mealtime

For this purpose, set your table to look attractive and inviting.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to increase energy and stimulate appetite.

Use Substitute Food to Maintain The Momentum

Your appetite to consume milk is going south? Use powdered milk instead.

Design A Meal Plan to Support Your Diet Plan

A meal plan guides you to achieve your daily calorie intake while maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Design your meal plan to align with your nutritional requirements. In your planning, include extra-calorie dishes such as soups.

Weight gain programs become effective only if the meals you consume curb the high metabolic rate. The meal planning phase helps to weed out food that metabolizes easily. The conscious food choice allows you to focus on high-calorie foods. Instead of maintaining the balance between energy in and out, it breaks the status quo to feature more energy and less energy out of the balance.

A plan can help you distribute your calories using an eight-point meal plan. With it, you can easily consume 3000 calories per day. Your typical diet plan assumes you have an early morning, breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, evening, late evening, and dinner time. And you can still sneak in a glass of milk before bed.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner accommodate the main meals. Other meal times feature healthy snacks to help you ditch sugary and unhealthy processed foods.

Each session features a healthy high-calorie combination that your body can easily absorb. And if you can push through with this plan, you can gain sustainable weight with zero health risks. You realize that the plan doesn’t include junk foods, refined carbohydrates, zero diet drinks, and alcohol.

Track Your Progress

Now you want to establish whether your diet plan is working or requires adjustments. Some of the practices to help you with evaluation are simple. For instance, you want to take weekly measurements to see your added weight.

The tools you will require for this stage include a measurement scale and a weighted template. It records your measurements to make it easier to extrapolate your progress using a graph.

Take Your Body Measurements After Two Months

Your expectation is that the daily calorie intake compounds, and you can see the physical impact afterward. Two months is a reasonable time frame to check your progress. At this point, you must have amassed fat and muscle. The weighing scale can show insignificant change, but the tape measure won’t lie.

Track Your Small Wins and Make Changes According to Your Body’s Reaction

Continue taking measurements as you progress with your diet plan. You can make small adjustments to your diet to test new strategies that could make a big difference. For instance, you may have relied on peanuts and almonds for your snacks, and now you want to see how flax seeds, sunflower, or sesame seeds impact your weight.

Reward Yourself for Excellent Progress

You have achieved your targets, and it’s time to engage in some exciting activities to appreciate your hard work. Go and shop to dress your new body. You can change your hairstyle to complement your new looks.

The Best Diet Plan Template Sample for Your Weight Gain Progress

1.Healthy Recipe Plan Sample Template

A healthy recipe plan will help you throughout your weight gain journey. Structure it to mirror your diet plan needs and you will enjoy your high-calorie intake experience. Customizing it is damn simple. You only need to download the document and do the fun copying and pasting. Do your craft online so you can easily share the information with your consultant or nutritionist.

2. The Meal Plan Menu Sample Template

Plan your meals like a pro. Does your diet plan demand more calories? Use this simple recipe to spread your daily requirements and easily achieve the weekly dietary recommendations. You don’t require designer expertise to navigate through this one. Just download it and add recipes. It is as simple as copying and pasting, so you must spend a lot of time adding information.

Diet Plan Templates Can Teach You Simple and Practical Ways to Gain Weight

Gaining weight is a process with multiple hurdles. You may think you are doing it right, only to realize you are damaging your body. Instead of guesswork, engage in a diet plan for you to eat right and gain a healthy weight. A diet plan helps you to choose healthy calorie-rich foods so you won’t burden your body with junk.

Most importantly, use the WPS template to structure an effective diet plan. Our templates are downloadable and available online for easy sharing. And if you encounter challenges, WPS academy tutorials are handy. They are full of actionable advice to help you easily navigate the platform.

Don’t forget to check the WPS office. It is a powerhouse for great resources. It has a great word for your writing needs, excels spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. Visit the WPS site to download the application.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.