
Free Flash Card Template

July 31, 2023 2.2K views

A flash card is a card with information printed on both sides that are meant to be used as a memory aid. Each flash card features a question and an answer on opposite sides. A flash card template can help for educational purposes and speeches and presentations. These templates can help in organizing information and assist in the learning process.

A flash card template is a digital card that may be used to organize and memorize vocabulary, dates from the past, formulae, or any other subject that can be learned using a question-and-answer format. Through trained knowledge retrieval, they are used to assess and enhance memory. Typically, a category of knowledge you're attempting to recall, learn, and master is represented by several flash cards.

How to Use the Flash Card Approach

Flash cards are often used for memorizing purposes solely. The flashcards should be used several times. The first time you utilize the flashcards could be a little overwhelming or irritating due to the forgetting that has taken place, much as the first time you study any relatively new knowledge.

The good news is that when you repeat something, you will remember it more and less each time. The learning becomes durable once the forgetting curve levels out.

In college, there is significantly less memorizing than in high school since students are required to be capable of using and interpreting the knowledge, even though there is some benefit in retaining essential terminology and other information.

The stages for making your flashcards are shown below, along with suggestions for testing your memory and interpreting the information as you go.

Making Flash Cards

The cost of purchasing or making a set of index cards is often low. Additionally, you may print cards using a template you find online.

Consider creating a deck of linked phrases, facts, or formulae rather than converting each piece of knowledge from the lesson into a card.

This is a fantastic chance to anticipate what material will be included in the test and consider the most important concepts. There are frequently cues regarding this, such as bolded phrases in the textbook or ideas that your professor stressed or brought up repeatedly in class.

Make the cards your own by adding your own touches. Include pictures that bring up memories for you. When actively reading or taking notes in class, add any additional hints that come to mind.

Memorizing Each Flash Card

It's crucial to have a plan for figuring out the significant elements before you start generating flashcards or memorizing them. Your reading material is frequently replete with hints. Make sure to understand how to successfully learn a textbook because being able to analyze your knowledge sources is essential.

Look at the first card's prompt and, without looking back, describe the pertinent details stated on the back. Flip the card over to determine if you were accurate and thorough after attempting to say the facts aloud.

If you are right, transfer the card to a different pile. When you become stuck, be sure not to deceive yourself by peeping. When you are stuck, it's easy to peek and think, Oh yeah, I knew that. If you couldn't recall it without checking, you weren't aware of it!

If the answer is incorrect, place the card at the bottom of the stack to be reviewed later in that study session. This enables you to give time to what you remember the least.

Examine each stack as frequently as your time permits. More swipes mean more memorization, so increase your usage. Once you have successfully retrieved the data a few times, keep setting cards aside for less frequent examination. * Recall that adult learners typically lose interest after two hours or so.

3 by 5 is usually a decent size. It helps you concentrate on only writing down the essential details. However, you might need to try out a few other sizes first. Employ judgment and your own experiments to determine which sizes work best for you, and don't be afraid to use various-sized flashcards for various learning activities.

Making Meaning of the Flash Cards

Ask yourself queries concerning specific cards. Ask questions like, What else is this related to? after you can recall the details on the back that go with the front prompt.

Organize cards according to topics. Going one step further, you are compelled to consider which cards are related to others. Additionally, this acts as a type of chunking that makes it easier for you to recall ideas collectively rather than individually.

Take the cards and make a mind map. All the relationships you notice between specific cards or between sets of cards should be explained.

Use group flashcards. During a scheduled study session, come together with your other students and put each other to the test using the cards. You can also work on creating flashcards as a group, debating which ideas are flashcard good and why.

What is the Benefit of a Flash Card Templates

The use of flash card templates for self-testing is quite successful. Making flashcards is itself a method of working the material since it requires choosing which facts to put on one side and which descriptions to put on the other.

By using a flash card template, information that would generally be kept in mind is instead saved as specific facts, names, or words in a digital stack of cards, freeing up some memory in the process. Flash cards are frequently used as part of spaced practice, and repetition reveals which facts are simple to recall and which require more work.

Flash cards make it possible to utilize tiny windows of time that present themselves during the day or week in addition to scheduled study sessions from a time management standpoint.

When to Use a Flash Card Template

Flashcard templates can be used during school presentations to teach a group of small children about specific pieces of information, for example, teaching children about the weather and having the different types of seasons on the back of the card.

They can also be used during work or educational presentations. The presenter can have a set of printed flashcards and can use them to remember the flow of the presentation and not miss out on any vital information.

Students have access to a portable learning tool with flash cards. Flash cards allow the freedom to carry as many cards as needed without having to lug around a book or notebook. This study method works for you no matter what or in which field you have to study. For instance, flashcards are ideal for learning vocabulary in historical facts, foreign languages, physics, chemistry, and maths equations.

The variety of formats used in flashcards contributes to their widespread applicability. It doesn't matter if it's vocabulary translation, Q n A cards like multiple choice, open questions, equations, diagrams, or drawings.

How to Use Flash Card Templates

A double-sided flash card template is easy to use. Templates from the WPS template can be easily downloaded; each template you find on the website is for general use, meaning each template comes with a predefined design that you can customize according to your preferences and information.

For example, most templates are blank with predefined boxes that can quickly be filled with relevant information and also be easily printed. You can find templates based on the subject at hand. There are templates for educational and informational purposes present online.

Where to Download Flash Card Template

WPS templates make it simple to find flash card templates. By listing a few of the top templates in the sections below, we help users even more. These free word templates are also available for download.

The 5 Best Flash Card Templates

There are a lot of options when it comes to flash cards. WPS template offers a wide range of printable, downloadable flash card templates. The best 5 are as follows.

  1.  Cartoon Planet PNG Images

This flash card template is filled with images of the Sun, all the planets, and stars which helps teach kids about the solar system. Texts can be added below the photos for a more comprehensive image description.

This template is also in the form of a ppt, allowing accessible learning presentations. You can also add animations to the cards for a more dynamic feel to the presentation.

You can download this flashcard template free of cost and be printed to give out to the students.

2. Touristic Photography PNG Images

This template contains images of traveling equipment such as cameras and photographers. It is an excellent means of teaching children about travel and photography. You can add pictures of different locations in this template with information related to that location at the back, such as the name or population of that place.

You can use different images of different types of cameras to teach children about the history and the types of cameras used for different types of photography which could be listed on the back of the flash card.

This template is free to download and print, allowing the prints to be handed out to students to increase their interest in photography.

3. Simple Nature Post Card

Simple Nature Post Card allows for creating unique and insightful flash cards. These flashcards will enable the usage of images along with texts on top to better express the pictures used. You can add numbers at the bottom of this template to keep your flashcards in order.

They are free to use on the WPS template website, or you can download and print multiple flashcards on your PC.

This template is easy to use and provides a neatly laid structure so that you just have to put in your preferred information, and it does the rest for you.

4. Desert Travel and Food Postcard

Desert Travel and Food Postcard is part of the WPS template collection. It is a professional, fresh and clean InDesign flashcard template. It is for students preparing for their exams or for teachers wanting to go the extra mile for their students. It’s available in various design flashcard alternatives. Each item features unique layouts with strong typography.

This flashcard will help your learning process and make it easier for you to memorize study material.

It is available for free on the WPS template website and can also be downloaded in the form of a ppt directly from the website and can be printed as well.

5. Simple Yoga Postcard

Simple Yoga Postcard is a straightforward flashcard for students, instructors, and lecturers! The Photoshop design templates provided by WPS templates make it simple to construct your personalized flashcard.

Simply include your own text and image, and it's ready to print. Everything you see can be edited in Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, or on WPS's own website or software. Colors may be readily altered. All text is set in free typefaces.

This template provides various customization options to make it that much easier for you to create the flashcards that help you in the best possible way.


Flash cards are a fantastic way of learning and sharpening your memory skills. They can come in handy whenever you have to study for a test, prepare teaching material for your students or simply prepare for a presentation. They are a great way of remembering information and ensure you don’t miss any important topic.

Everything is digital in this day and age, so why not flashcards? That is why flash card templates are a fantastic way to help you organize your flashcards according to your needs. Flashcards free up your time by providing you with predefined layouts so that you don't have to go through the hassle.

WPS offers a comprehensive range of flashcard templates that are free and easy to use, and they can be downloaded in the form of ppts. WPS Office can be utilized to organize your templates and documents. The program has an easy-to-use interface with templates for quick processing.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.