
Free Punch Card Template

July 31, 2023 2.3K views

The punch card employee attendance method had significance, and entrepreneurs incorporated it into business plans. These punch cards are still used by businesspeople as well as other people too. The reason is that it is quite interesting for use. Are you also looking for an editable free punch card template for your business and unable to find one? Or do you require a fitness punch card template? We help you find the most suitable free punch card template.

In this article, we will familiarize you with editable free punch card templates, which you can use. You will get to know about the best free punch card templates that are available on the WPS Office store and how these can be helpful to you. So, let’s have a thorough and informative discussion about punch cards.

What is a Punch Card Template?

Are you familiar with the term punch card? What are these, and how to use them? If you don't know, we will help you know about it. As the name implies punch card is a piece of paper in which holes are created at specified positions to indicate specific information.

If we investigate its history, we know that these punch cards were developed in eighteen centuries to serve the statistical purposes and storage of various data types. Gradually, they became popular, and people began to use them for other purposes. Punch cards are used in business to record an employee's working hours at restaurants or supermarkets to gain customers' loyalty, and for some time, they were also used to record votes.

Business punch cards are those cards that are used in business for various purposes. Suppose we talk about the types of business punch cards. These can be customer punch cards also known as customer loyalty cards. Also, Employee punch cards, also known as timeclocks/timecards, are available. Employee punch cards are an older approach, whereas customer punch cards are new to the market.

Customers' punch cards or loyalty card is an effective way of generating more loyal customers. These punch cards are given to the customer at their first purchase. Customers get their cards punched at every purchase. After a specific number of punches, the customer is offered discounts or gifts. This approach motivates the customers to return to the store for another purchase.

An employee punch card also known as timecards or timesheets is often required in business to track operating time and compute salary. It requires recording extra working hours, vacations, sick leave, and paid vacations during the length of a project's time frame. It could also be utilized to measure the hours a work takes. You can use these employee punch cards to document non-paying job hours, such as volunteering or social duty. Previously, only physical punch cards were available to track an employee's working hours, but now digital or online punch cards are also available.

Punch cards offer advantages, but they also have significant drawbacks. These are easily destroyed, and data might be wiped out. You can utilize it up to a certain number of times. After that, these need to be changed. These must be preserved for several generations, or workers' data will be destroyed.

Punch card templates are readily designed patterns of different types of punch cards. These templates can be personalized in less time and require less labor. These are made as per the standard size and are easily downloadable and printable.

Why/ When and Where to Use a Punch Card Template:

Punch cards are a unique way of recording information. Computers or machines mostly read these. These punch cards are available in hard forms, but now these are also available in digital form. These punch cards are mostly used in business these days. They can be used in any agency, supermarket, local store, or big organization. They may be used in gyms for fitness tracking.

These punch cards serve various purposes. These can be used to keep a check on your employees to track whether they arrive on time or not. These punch cards help you record your employees' working hours and holidays. These ensure the regularity of your employees, and you don't suffer much loss in business. Moreover, if you pay your employees based on total working hours, these employee attendance punch cards can save you from paying extra to your workers.

Most businesses use these punch cards to increase sales and find new customers. You can generate an amazing marketing strategy by utilizing these punch cards if you are smart enough. You might be thinking, how? We are here to answer your questions.

Distributing punch cards among your customers will increase their interest in your business and recommend your business to others. It will, in turn, generate more customers. Also, you will be able to compete well among your competitors. Your business will ultimately gain popularity, and you will lead the market.

So, why should you use these punch cards when better and more advanced technologies are available to serve the same purpose as that of punch cards? Your concern is valid. But the answer to your question is also quite simple. Punch cards are a cheaper and more accurate way to boost your sales, track your employee’s business hours or track your fitness. You will always prefer cheaper options when you have a narrow budget.

How to Use a Punch Card Template?

Did you become familiar with the punch cards and their advantages? Are you planning to use one for your business? Don’t know how to use and download some eye-catching punch card templates? We will let you know how you can make ideal punch cards. We will move step by step and let you know everything in detail. Let’s begin:

  • Firstly, you must know where you can download the best punch card template to customize as per your needs.

  • Visit the WPS office store to download your required punch card template. Downloading the punch card template will save you a lot of time. If you choose to create one, it will be quite hectic. So don’t go for creating punch cards on your own when a free template is easily available.

  • Click on the heading below, Download a punch card template it will help you to reach the WPS template store directly.

  • As you browse the WPS template store, you will find a search bar on the top right corner of the web page. Search words such as “Punch card” or “Punch Card Template” in the search bar.

  • Your search will display amazing punch card templates on your laptop, mobile, or computer screen.

  • Select the template of your choice. WPS has a punch card to track the working hours of an employee.

  • Selecting the template will lead you to a new window showing images and a description of your chosen template


  • You will find two options on the right of the template image. You can edit the template in the browser, or you can download the template. WPS templates are compatible with android, MacBook, and windows.

  • You can also download the WPS Office application to your smartphone or windows. You can also search the punch card templates via the WPS application.

  • Also, do sign in to the WPS office to utilize its services.

  • After Downloading, open the template in WPS excel to start editing.

  • Insert your company name and logo. If you design an employee attendance punch card, edit all your employee information.

  • You can customize the colors and fonts of your choice. Also, edit the required text.

  • Once you are done, proofread your punch card and save a copy.

  • Order prints of your customized punch cards. Distribute copies among your employees or customers based on the purpose of your punch card.

Download a Punch Card Template:

Find yourself the best Punch Card Templates for free. Download the template of your choice from the WPS Office template Store. Click on the heading above, and enter the world full of colorful, unique, and most elegant templates. Please read the above section if you still find any ambiguity in downloading punch card templates of your choice.

Best Punch Card Templates:

Here, you will learn about some of the best Punch Card Templates that you will surely wish to have for your business. WPS Office is more focused on creating employee attendance punch cards and helps to keep your business organized. If you are looking for one, then the below section is going to be your topic of interest.

Are you a solo entrepreneur and have so much workload? Are your employees always late for work and leave early? Are you facing difficulty in tracking the working hours of your employee? Then the business punch card template is all that you need.

Punch cards have been used since ancient times to control employees' movement. These punch cards are beneficial in making employees punctual and disciplined. If you don't keep a check on the working hours of your employees, they may become negligent of their duties, and you might suffer a loss in business.

WPS Office has designed for its user an elegant-looking Simple Business Punch Card Template .This template confirms your needs if you are looking for a punch card to track your employees' working hours.

This template presents a professional look, and soft colors are used to keep it more professional. It provides you with wide space, and you can gather a large amount of information in a small space. It is already designed in a stranded size. You can also edit text, color, and font. It is available in a print-ready form to facilitate its users.

You can record complete details about your employees, such as their names, addresses, email, etc. With time and date, you can punch normal working hours, overtime hours, sick leave, and paid leave hours on this punch card.

It allows you to know who is checking in and whether workers are arriving late or working extra. You may monitor meals, hours, and absenteeism, and you'll get informed when an employee is ready to go beyond their given timeframe, enabling smarter schedule making. Companies can monitor paid sick leave so that each employee is paid fairly.

This card is specifically beneficial to you if you pay your employees at an hourly rate. From all the information gathered, you can easily calculate the total working hours of your employee for a specific period. It will, in return, help you to calculate their total wages. Total wages are calculated by multiplying hourly wages with the total number of working hours.

If you are new to the business, this simple business punch card is useful. The reason is that initially, you are very short of budget, so if you calculate the working hours appropriately, you will prevent yourself from giving extra wages to your employees. In this way, your budget will also remain within limits.

Once the business punch card template is filled, it should be duly signed with a date by both employee and manager. It is also suitable and appropriate to be stored as a record. This punch card template is available in a print-ready form and can be printed to distribute among the employees. They can be utilized digitally as well.

You can also personalize it the way you like. If this punch card template is the one you are looking for and confirms your requirement. You can download this template from the WPS office template store. If you have a WPS Office application installed on your device, you can easily find this template there as well. This template is also compatible with android, MacBook, and windows.


This article has helped you to gain profound knowledge related to free punch card templates and further information related to these. WPS office simple business punch template is explained in detail so that you don't face any problems while using it. We hope you have found what you were looking for. But if you didn't find an `editable free punch card template that confirms your requirement. You can find one in the WPS office store. Also, do sign in to the WPS office. Please subscribe to WPS Office academy to learn more about WPS templates and other cool features offered by WPS Office.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.