
How to download Office for free on Windows 10

July 31, 2023 2.7K views

MS Office 365 is a Microsoft Office product that you can download on windows 10. MS Office 365 is a comprehensive office suite that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive. Today I will discuss how to download office for free on windows 10.

You can also use the apps to create and manage documents, add photos and videos to your documents, access the office suite from any device with an internet connection, and more.

MS Office 365 offers a subscription plan to purchase more features and licenses as needed. The Office 365 subscription plan is good if you use your computer for business purposes. However, it may not be the best option if you're just looking to download and install the apps on your pc.

What are the best ways to download and use WPS Office for free on Windows 10?

If you are looking for a way to download and use WPS Office for free on Windows 10, you should check out the various ways you can do so. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Start by looking for a WPS Office official website and download the latest software build from their website. This will save you time and money in the long run.

2. If you don't want to subscribe to WPS Office 365, try using WPS writer or it for Business. These programs offer a wide range of features and can be used on Mac and Windows systems.

Overview of the WPS Office

WPS Office is a suite of software that includes writer, spreadsheet, presentation, PDF and email applications. It is free on Windows 10, making it a great choice for anyone looking to get started with the software. WPS Office 2016 offers many features that are difficult to find in other software options, such as an easy-to-use interface and support for both cloud-based and local accounts.

How to use the Office app on a phone or tablet?

The WPS office is a popular suite of software that can be downloaded and installed on most PC and laptops. The installation process is simple. There are several ways to download and install WPS Office for free on Windows 10, but the easiest way is to download from the official website. Here are the steps:

1. Install WPS Office on your computer. First, install WPS Office on your computer if you haven't done so already. This will open up the program and help you get started.

2. On your computer, open the Start menu and type WPS office. If you're using a phone or tablet, open the app store and search for office. Then tap on the office icon to start the installation.

3. Now that you have WPS Office installed and running, you can start using it.


WPS Office for free on windows 10 is a great way to get started in the office world. It has many features, including communicating with other people and managing files. If you're looking for an easy way to start using the office suite, Office for free on windows 10 is a great option. Hope you understand how to download office for free on windows 10.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.