
How to Find and Replace in PDF: A Comprehensive Guide

July 31, 2023 2.8K views

If you need to make a global change to a PDF document, such as finding and replacing a specific word or phrase, you can use a PDF editor software to perform the task easily. Our digital lives have evolved to include PDFs on a daily basis. Documents, manuals, contracts, and brochures—PDFs are becoming a common format for information sharing. Yet, it can be difficult to alter or modify a PDF. Finding and replacing text in a PDF is one of the most frequent chores. This article will examine various devices, browsers, tools, and content while demonstrating how to find and replace text in a PDF file. Also, we'll describe WPS Office software as a suggested utility and show you how to acquire a free trial version.

Why Do You Need to Know How to Find and Replace in PDFs?

Because they work on all platforms and devices, PDFs are a common format for information distribution. However, editing PDFs can be difficult, particularly if you need to replace several instances of a certain term or phrase. When modifying a PDF document, knowing how to locate and replace can save you time and effort. You may quickly and effectively update material, fix mistakes, or make other adjustments with its assistance.

How to Find and Replace in PDF on Different Devices and Browsers?

There are several different devices and browsers that can be used to find and replace text in a PDF. This is how:

Desktop Devices:

If you're using a desktop device, you can use Adobe Acrobat, WPS Office, or other PDF applications to search for and replace text in PDF files. Go to Edit > Search and Replace in Adobe Acrobat. Enter the text you want to locate and the text you want to replace it with in the Find and Replace dialogue box. Select Replace to replace each instance of the text individually or Replace All to replace them all at once. Open the PDF document in WPS Office, select Home > Replace, enter the text you want to locate and the text you want to replace it with, and then select Replace All.

Mobile Devices:

If you're using a mobile device, you can find and replace text in PDF files using Adobe Reader, WPS Office, or other PDF reader programmes. Enter the text to be found, tap the magnifying glass icon in Adobe Reader, and then hit the search icon. When you've located the text, hit the pencil icon and choose Replace. After entering the new text, select Replace. Open the PDF file in WPS Office, then choose Search & Replace by tapping the three dots. Type the text to be replaced and the text to be found, then hit Replace All.


When viewing a PDF in a browser, you can use the built-in search feature to find and replace text. To open the search bar in Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Opera, use Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on a Mac). Press Enter after entering the search term. Once the text has been located, select the gear icon to open the Replace menu. Type the replacement text, then select Replace.

Using Tips to Find and Replace in PDFs

  • To find the precise text you wish to replace, first use the "Find" feature. By avoiding having to manually scan the entire paper, you can save time.

  • Make sure you don't alter any crucial information or layout in the document when you replace content.

  • To swiftly replace words or phrases throughout the document, use the "Replace" tool. If you need to make numerous adjustments at once, this is extremely helpful.

  • If you want to replace every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in the document, think about utilizing the "Replace All" method. When it comes to longer documents, this can save time.

  • Use any extra features for detecting and replacing text that a PDF editor software, such as WPS Office, may provide. For instance, you might be able to discover and replace more intricate patterns in the document using regular expressions or advanced search features.

FAQs on How to Find and Replace in PDFs

Q: With a scanned PDF document, is it possible to find and replace text?

A: The software you're using will determine this. You should be able to use the locate and replace feature if you're using optical character recognition (OCR) software to turn the scanned document into a searchable PDF. Nevertheless, if the PDF is just an image of the scanned paper, you might need to manually alter the text using image editing tools.

Q: Can I find and replace text in a PDF using regular expressions?

A: The software you're using will determine this. You can use regular expressions to search for and replace more intricate patterns in the document with the help of some PDF editors, such as WPS Office. Regular expressions are not supported by all software, so make sure to read the documentation for the programme you're using.

Download WPS Office for Free

For both personal and professional use, identifying and replacing text, pages, or words in a PDF document can be a critical operation. Users are able to quickly discover and replace text or pages in their PDF files with the use of a number of programmes, including Adobe Acrobat, online PDF editors, and WPS Office. WPS Office is an excellent substitute for individuals looking for a more user-friendly interface and cost-effective pricing alternatives, even though Adobe Acrobat is a popular option.

WPS Office software offers customers a variety of practical functions, including the ability to identify and replace text and pages in PDF documents, so in general, we advise downloading it. Users can test out the software for free prior to making a purchase by downloading the free trial version. WPS Office is a fantastic option that may satisfy all of your demands, whether you're a student, professional, or just seeking for a trustworthy PDF editor.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.