
How to Make a Report Card in an Easy Way

July 31, 2023 2.7K views

For a student to reach academic greatness, performance must always be improved. Teachers use report cards to monitor their pupils’ progress in their academic activities. Students receive progress reports that offer them a summary of their overall achievement for the semester or for the entire academic year. With the help of this report, students can identify their flaws and strengths and focus on these areas to improve their academic performance. Furthermore, progress reports give parents access to information about their child’s academic development. They can also take the required actions to help their kids do better in school.

Here are some examples which let you know how to make a report card, and some other aspects of it.

Essential Parts of a Report Card

A student’s report card includes information on them as well as marks, grades, and class rankings for each subject. It displays the pupil’s final grade, overall percentage, and ranking.

  1. Information of the Student

    Student data such as student IDs, names, classes, sections, institution information, term information, grading system, etc. are included in this area.

  2. Marksheet

    Every subject and student’s term-by-term grade sheet is included in this section. Basically, this page contains the student names, IDs, and marks for each topic.

  3. Term-wise Report

    This section contains a term-by-term report card for each student. Here is a concise summary of each student’s individual report cards for all terms.

  4. Cumulative Report Card

    The student’s overall report card is included in this section. This is a summary of the student’s grade sheet for each term.

Principles of a Report Card

  1. Be Honest But Kind

    The primary goal of a report card is to provide parents with information about their child’s development. No significant surprises should come as a surprise (the child's parents should have already been informed of any BIG concerns), but the report card should be an accurate depiction of the child’s performance regardless of how well or poorly the youngster is doing.

    Having stated that, it goes without saying that we want to frame things in a way that is as uplifting and energizing as we can make it, while also making ideas for development rather than discouraging.

  2. Follow the format for comments on report cards

    You are in the clear if the kid is performing well all around! I adore creating simple report cards. Unfortunately, not every child is an angel or an Einstein, so we must point out some areas that require development. When that occurs, we employ the magical format, which are:

    Begin with a positive comment. You might have to work hard here, but be sincere and imaginative at the same time (Okay, you might have to really reach for one sometimes, not gonna lie). In all seriousness though, even the most difficult children have qualities we can applaud.

    Then, include a sentence or two describing the child's difficulties in a particular area and the challenges they are facing. Be sure to include a useful and practical answer or recommendation.

    Finish on a high note. Another time, a compliment is a good addition at any time of the year, and for the end-of-year report card, a best wishes for any grade or have a wonderful summer or I’m very glad to have been's teacher this year, etc. works well.

  3.  Proofread, verify, and then proofread once more

    When we rush through tasks in order to finish them before report card season, those pesky little mistakes appear when we least expect them.

    Prior to printing and sending them home, make sure you double-check everything. All of our interactions with parents are viewed as a reflection of who we are as instructors, therefore they should be as flawless as possible.

Things You Should Mention in a Report Card

Some of the essential components that you should keep in mind to know how to make a report card for homeschool.

  1. Include School’s Name

    Starting off simple is what we will do. Your report cards will have the official and professional appearance your school deserves when they are clearly marked with your school’s name, contact information, and emblem.

  2. Grades Obtained

    The grades or test results a student received in each subject are listed on a report card. It could also include the pupils’ proportion of marks earned in the tests they took part in.

    Understanding a child’s report card shouldn’t require parents to read a guidebook. Report cards should be able to accurately explain each student’s progress without confounding parents, regardless of whether your school uses an “A-F” grading system or not.

    In order to improve clarity, try reducing the amount of marks. For instance, if music professors choose to use 4/3/2/1 and the behavior grades are O/G/S/NI, then there would be three different grade scale legends. This is because the core courses use A-F grades. Parental comprehension is made more difficult when there are numbered teacher comments included. For a specific grade level, you should ideally adopt a grade scale that is consistent across all teachers.

  3. Keep Subject Name Easy

    Overly elaborate class headers should not take up valuable space on report cards, which are already limited. Instead of “Mathematics Part III Block 1” or “Math Section 0436439”, “Math” or even “Mathematics” looks better and is easier to understand.

  4. Behavior in Classroom

    One can learn a lot about a student’s character from how they act in class. The personality development of students is greatly influenced by their schools. In order to assist individuals, grow and develop as people, it would be quite helpful to carefully assess their behavior.

  5. Keep Things Clear

    It’s crucial to make sure the class name stands out from the labels for the assessments when teachers place them somewhere under the names of the courses, such as “Participation”, “Effort”, etc. It should be simple for parents to identify which titles refer to classes, which to assessments, and which assessments go with which classes.

    When a report card requires numerous pages, properly label the content on each one; don’t just keep going without a justification. You should be able to choose the sequence of classes, column breaks, page breaks, and other structuring options to make your document easier to read if you use the correct student information software.

  6. Attendance Details

    The success of the students would be influenced by their attendance. Their presence in the classroom enables them to fully engage in the courses and provide superior outcomes. As a result, information about students’ attendance is an essential component of any progress report.

    Explanations for absences, such as those that were excused or not, tardiness, etc., may be recorded in many ways by your school. Report cards should offer a “big picture” attendance summary rather than a jumble of unrelated indicators as parents will have access to precise attendance data through a comprehensive student information management system. The aggregate of tardies and absences is sufficient for the majority of schools.

  7. Extra-Curricular Activities

    Students benefit from extracurricular activities by honing the soft skills necessary to land the career of their dreams. Through such activities, they would also be able to show off their creative talents. As a result, the report would include details about the student’s engagement in and success in extracurricular activities.

  8. Teacher Remark

    Teacher comments would contain the teachers’ evaluations of the student’s performance over the course of the semester or school year. Teachers would give parents and pupils specific feedback regarding the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

To give parents information on their children’s performance, teachers use the report card comments as a key communication tool. To give parents a more comprehensive view of their student’s grades, teachers can either type up their own narrative notes in a designated place or use quick-entry numbers that match to a specified legend, depending on your needs.

Role of Progress Report in Student Success

There are various things that you must know for how to make a report card for homeschool, which can help parents to improve their children.

  1. Ensures Improvement

    Students can get an insight of their performance over a specific time period from their report cards. They will be able to identify their areas of weakness by carefully examining their report card. Students are able to evaluate their own performance and make improvements as a result.

  2. Parental Involvement

    In a child’s educational path, parental engagement is essential. Pupils can use practical home techniques to safeguard their children’s development when they are able to comprehend where their students participate in terms of their academic performance. Additionally, they can help kids learn and perform better than teachers by providing them with additional support.

  3. Tracks Progress

    when pupils have the opportunity to monitor their development over the course of a school year. They would feel a lot more confident if they saw improvements in their scores. It would motivate students to put additional effort into their academic tasks and succeed when positive changes started to reflect on their performance.

  4. Enables Timely Intervention

    It would help with timely interventions if parents and children had access to the most recent data regarding the student’s academic performance. The youngsters would be able to work harder to earn better grades since, as was already indicated, parents can ensure that their kids aren’t falling behind.

  5. Nurtures Holistic Development

    Since a progress report covers a variety of responsibilities and activities that are involved in being a student. Details on a student’s involvement in various extracurricular activities are included in a progress report in addition to information about academic activities. This promotes pupils’ overall development and prepares the foundation for their future success.

How to Make a Report Card Using WPS Template

With the help of these school report card template excel, you can develop attractive report cards for your school and get a quick solution for how to make a report card. It is simple to assess a student’s development in class when you have these forms on hand. There are layout files with excellent visuals that are simple to edit and customize. We have created a list of the top excel-based educational school report card templates in light of this.

1. Leaflets-Back to School Sales

The template is ideal for you if you are seeking for how to make a report card. You might find it useful to develop school templates if you use the free Leaflets-back-to-school sales template provided by WPS.

2. Colorful Photo School Volunteer Flyer Template

To know how to make a fake report card, WPS Office may assist you in creating an engaging report card. Examine some templates that have been expertly created, then alter them by adding your own logo, school name, and colors. All you have to do is pick a template, edit it, and then distribute it.

3. Pink School Template

Every once in a while, there are important special occasions that people simply cannot miss, such graduations, yearly days, and sports days. To encourage readers to visit whatever the meeting is, create an engaging newsletter. A coloured educational letter template is available without cost from WPS Office.

4. Creative Pre-School Education Presentation

If you wish to create a presentation template for pre-school education and you are a teacher. Then this location is ideal for you since WPS provides a Creative Pre-School Education Presentation Template for free online.

5. School Sports Meet Registration

A sports registration meet form is necessary to enroll players for a sports team. You can electronically gather contact information, payment of fees, and parent signatures for any football, basketball, soccer, or softball team using our free School Sports Meet Registration spreadsheet.

We have illustrated to you in this article how to make a report card using WPS templates. These are some of the best templates you can use to design a report card. For more tutorials on report card templates, etc. other reports you can visit WPS Academy. To efficiently use templates available on WPS, we recommend you to download and install WPS Office on your device, so that you can easily use WPS Word, Excel and Powerpoint Presentation.

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