
How to Make Your Own Pokémon Coloring Pages PDF

July 31, 2023 2.1K views

Coloring pages are a great way to entertain your child in the comfort of your own. Coloring is a great indoor activity that you can use as a bonding opportunity. Pokémon is one of the most popular and classic shows of all time that even adults can appreciate, so it's a good theme for coloring pages.

Of course, you don't have to go out of your way to purchase a coloring book from the store. If you have a computer and printer at home, you can easily create Pokémon coloring pages for kids or your leisure. In this article, we'll show you how to make Pokémon coloring pages PDF files step by step.

Creating coloring pages is surprisingly simple and quick to do. All you need are photos downloaded from the internet or even your illustrations. After acquiring these photos, you can use a free offline word processor like WPS Office to create a PDF file that you can print out anytime at your convenience, even offline.

How to Use Photos Online for Coloring Pages

The fastest way to make Pokémon coloring pages is by getting them from the internet. There are many free resources that you can readily download online. Of course, you must ensure you get them from a legal source. To create Pokémon coloring pages PDF files from online sources, you need to follow these steps:

Visit a public domain photo source website and download your selected photos. (Note: You can easily find coloring pages from coloring book websites. Pokemon is a popular show, so it is easy to find.

Save your photos to a folder you can easily find in your files. 

Download and open WPS Office and start a new document. You can do this by selecting the Document icon on the startup menu of the program. 

Before starting your project, determine the printing size of your pages. Go to Page Layout to adjust margins, orientation, and paper size. After that, you can proceed to add your photos to the Document.

Select Insert, then choose Picture

Pick From File.

Find the folder where you saved the image. Select your photo and press Open.

The photo will then be transferred to the active page of your Document. You can use your Picture Tools to edit the image to your preference. This is also where you can change the size of the photo. To resize the photo while maintaining the proportions, you must ensure you have toggled on the Lock Aspect Ratio option.

Set the photo to occupy the page. That way, you get one coloring photo per page. To go to the next page, select Insert and choose Breaks. Click on Page Break. You can also use the Control+Enter shortcut on your keyboard. Now you are on the next page of the Document.

Repeat Steps 5-9 until you have made enough pages to color. 

To remove any pages that don't appeal to you, select the photo and press Delete.

To print your work, go to Menu and select Print. Select Print

Change the options according to your needs and select Ok.

To save your work as Document, go to Menu, select Save As, and select the format. Create a file name and press Save.

To save your work as a PDF file, go to Menu, select Export to PDF, then press the green Export to PDF button again.

At this point, you will have a Pokémon coloring page PDF ready for use anytime. You can open it on your computer using the WPS Office program, even offline, to print at your convenience.

How to Transfer Illustrations to PDF Files

If you're feeling creative, you can also use your illustrations for your coloring pages. Scanning and transferring them as files into your computer ensures that you can always make another set when needed. To do this, follow these steps:

Download and open WPS Office. Select Document to start a new document. 

Using your scanner, scan your drawings and save them into a folder on your computer. 

Before starting your project, determine the printing size of your pages. 

Go to Page Layout to adjust margins, orientation, and paper size. After that, you can proceed to add your photos to the Document.Go to WPS Office and Insert the photos in your folder.

Repeat the same steps as you would when transferring photos downloaded online.

Using Colored Photos

You may have seen a Pokémon photo that you like, but the problem is that it is already colored in. WPS Office's Set Transparent Color picture tool is a way to help you out. While this feature is generally used to remove backgrounds, you can also cleverly use it to remove Color together with the Black and White option.

Select a Pokémon photo that uses as much of the same color as possible. The trick is that there shouldn't be too many light and dark elements.

Using WPS Office, insert the photo into your Document. Click on the image to access Picture Tools. Press Color and select the Black and White option. The photo will automatically turn into a photo that you can color. The darker aspects of the image will be converted into black, thus requiring simpler, less detailed photos. 

You can use Set Transparent Color to change a black portion into a white one. Press the tool, and a small eyedropper will appear on your cursor.

Click the portion of the photo that you want to convert to white. Note that you can only use this once per photo. The best option is usually a part that you want to color or one that covers a large area.

You can combine these options to easily make Pokémon coloring pages out of photos already in Color.

What Program Can I Use to Make Coloring Pages?

WPS Office is a free-to-use, offline program that offers convenient lifestyle and office tools like word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation tools. It is free to download online and gives users a wide range of features.

You can also avail of the premium option for an affordable price to unlock more features, including thousands of templates that will make creating projects according to every need easier.

FAQ about Pokemon Coloring Pages PDF

Q: Where can I get Pokémon coloring photos?

Pokémon coloring photos are available on coloring page sites. You can also find Pokémon photos on sites with a Pokédex feature or public domain photo sourcing sites.

Q: Can I sell my coloring pages?

The Nintendo Company owns all trademark rights for Pokémon. While they turn a blind eye to those who utilize it for personal use, it is risky to profit from any Pokémon merchandise as it may lead to a lawsuit.

Q: Can I share my work with other parents?

Making fan art is not considered illegal in the US. As long as fanart is restricted to private, personal use, you can also share it with friends.

Q: How do I download WPS Office?

WPS Office is readily available on its official site.

Final Thoughts

Pokémon coloring pages are a simple and affordable way to have fun indoors with your child and share the same interests. With WPS Office, you can easily create and reproduce free and fun materials that will entertain you for hours on end.

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