
Perplexity AI vs. ChatGPT: Which One is Better for You?

September 4, 2024 371 views

If you're a writer like me, you know all too well what writer's block feels like. Unfortunately, it's something that seems to come naturally when writing is your livelihood. Ever since ChatGPT was first launched, I decided to give it a try, and to my surprise, it turned out to be the perfect solution for overcoming creative blockages, sparking ideas, and providing inspiration.

As I dug deeper into AI tools, I found myself in a loop of exploration, discovering more and more resources that could enhance my writing process. It wasn't long ago that I stumbled upon, and soon enough, it became my favorite AI tool. In this article, I'll tell you all about these two AI tools, what sets them apart, and how they are similar.

Perplexity AI vs. ChatGPT

Perplexity AI Overview: An AI Search Engine

Perplexity AI is an AI-powered search engine designed to enhance the way we search for and consume information online. Unlike traditional search engines like Google, Perplexity AI utilizes advanced natural language processing (NLP) to understand the intent behind your queries, providing more conversational and context-aware responses. It stands out by citing its sources, allowing users to verify the credibility of the information it generates.

Perplexity AI

How Perplexity AI Works

  1. Conducts Research and Provides Reliable Information:
    Perplexity AI scours the web to find the most relevant information based on the user's query. It then frames the answer by summarizing the data from various sources, ensuring that users receive a comprehensive response. The AI’s ability to cite its sources allows users to cross-check and validate the information, ensuring its reliability.

  2. Real-Time Information Retrieval:
    Perplexity AI performs real-time web searches to retrieve up-to-date information. It continuously crawls websites, forums, news articles, and social media platforms, ensuring that the data provided is as current and accurate as possible. This feature is particularly beneficial for users looking to stay informed on recent events or trends.

  3. Personalized and Contextual Responses: The AI analyzes user queries and provides responses tailored to the context of the question. This reduces the need for users to sift through multiple search results, making it easier to learn and get answers through a conversational interface. Perplexity AI even asks follow-up questions to clarify ambiguities, much like a knowledgeable assistant.

  4. Transparent Source Citation: One of Perplexity AI's key features is its transparency in citing the sources it uses to compile information. This feature is crucial for research purposes, as it allows users to verify the information’s authenticity before relying on it for decision-making or content creation.

Perplexity AI Source Citations

Key Features of Perplexity AI

  • Perplexity Copilot: Perplexity Copilot enhances the search experience by interacting with users in a conversational manner. It uses GPT-4 and Claude-3 models to provide the most relevant information by asking follow-up questions to clarify complex queries.

  • Diverse Source Integration: Instead of relying on a single source, Perplexity AI pulls information from a wide range of sources, including academic journals, research papers, social media, news articles, and forums. This ensures that the information is well-rounded and comprehensive.

  • Easy-to-Use Interface: The user-friendly interface of Perplexity AI allows for a seamless search experience, maintaining a conversational flow while providing coherent answers.

  • Ad-Free and Relevant Results: Unlike many traditional search engines, Perplexity AI provides an ad-free experience, filtering out promotional content and prioritizing authoritative sources. This ensures that the information is unbiased and purely informative.

  • Pro Version: Perplexity AI offers a Pro version for $20/month, which includes advanced features such as deeper research capabilities, more tailored search results, and enhanced support for complex queries.

Multimodal Capabilities

Perplexity AI also offers multimodal capabilities, allowing it to integrate various forms of media, including text, images, and videos, to provide more comprehensive answers. This feature is particularly useful for understanding complex topics, as it combines visual aids with textual information to enhance learning and comprehension.

With these features, Perplexity AI serves as a powerful tool for researchers, programmers, marketers, and writers, offering an advanced alternative to traditional search engines with its real-time, reliable, and context-aware responses.

ChatGPT Overview: An AI Chatbot

ChatGPT is an advanced AI model developed by OpenAI, known as a language model that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It operates using a complex system of algorithms trained on a vast amount of data from the internet, enabling it to predict and generate coherent sequences of words. Essentially, when you interact with ChatGPT, you are communicating with a machine that has been trained to understand and produce language in a conversational manner.


Capabilities of ChatGPT:

  • Answering Factual Questions: ChatGPT can provide information on a wide range of topics, acting much like a search engine. It can answer questions about history, science, technology, and current events based on its training data.

ChatGPT responses on history

  • Generating Creative Content: ChatGPT can create various forms of content, such as stories, poems, and scripts. It can also assist in writing emails, essays, and other forms of communication by generating ideas or even complete drafts.

  • Performing Tasks and Problem Solving: The model can solve basic math problems, help with coding, and provide explanations for complex concepts. It can also offer suggestions or solutions to specific problems you might face.

  • Engaging in Conversations: One of the key features of ChatGPT is its conversational ability. It can maintain a dialogue, respond to follow-up questions, and adapt its answers based on the context of the conversation.

Features of ChatGPT:

  • Conversational Abilities: ChatGPT excels at simulating human-like conversation, making it easy for users to engage with it in a way that feels natural and intuitive.

  • Contextual Understanding: The AI can keep track of the context within a conversation, allowing it to respond appropriately to follow-up questions or changes in topic.

  • Personalization: ChatGPT tailors responses based on user preferences and instructions, offering personalized interactions. It uses stored chat history to refine and enhance future responses, making them more relevant and customized for each user.

ChatGPT memory

  • Versatility: From answering simple factual questions to generating complex creative content, ChatGPT can handle a wide variety of tasks, making it a versatile tool for many users.

  • Limitations Awareness: ChatGPT is aware of its limitations, acknowledging when it might not have the most accurate or up-to-date information, especially on recent events or highly specialized topics.

Differences Between Perplexity AI and ChatGPT

Before we can reach a clear consensus, let's take a look at the differences between Perplexity AI and ChatGPT.

Perplexity AI



Free version available with Pro version at $20/month for enhanced capabilities.

Free access to basic features with ChatGPT Plus available at $20/month for advanced functionalities.

Core Features

Real-time web search, source citations, Copilot search, diverse content handling.

Multimodal capabilities, DALL-E integration, custom GPTs, code, and content creation.

Ease of Implementation

Easy to implement with a focus on research-oriented capabilities.

Easy to implement, widely versatile, and user-friendly for various conversational AI applications.

Unique Offerings

Real-time web search and diverse source integration, ideal for research and academic purposes.

Strong conversational abilities and multimodal interaction for personalized and engaging interactions.

Best For

Research-oriented AI assistance, delivering accurate, citation-backed information.

A wide range of conversational AI uses, including creative tasks and human-like dialogue.


Highly accurate with real-time, citation-backed responses; ideal for academic and professional research.

Offers coherent, human-like conversations, though sometimes prone to inaccuracies.

Multimodal Capabilities

The free version supports text-based inputs, while the pro version allows for interactions with both text and images.

Supports text, images, and audio inputs, enhancing user interaction and engagement.

Conversational Abilities

Less suited for casual or broad conversational applications due to its academic focus.

Exceptional conversational capabilities across diverse topics, making it ideal for general use.


May overwhelm users with the depth of information; requires constant internet connectivity.

Prone to inaccuracies in specialized or research-focused queries; broad focus may lack depth in specifics.

It's hard to decide which one to choose if we simply compare the differences and features of both Perplexity AI and ChatGPT. So, I decided to test both in practice by asking them relevant questions instead of something simple like a pizza recipe. I focused on a current topic: the timing of the next rate cuts in the United States.

Here are the results I got:

  • From ChatGPT Pro: The response was concise and provided a reliable source—Morgan Stanley—to support the information.

Response from ChatGPT

  • From Perplexity AI: The answer was more detailed, explaining why these rate cuts are expected and including numerous sources for each piece of information.

Response from Perplexity AI

But we don’t usually stop there, right? As humans, we tend to have more questions and engage in ongoing conversations with our chatbots. So, I followed up with another question, and to push the boundaries a bit, I asked them to create a graph showing the US recession rate over the past 5 years. This would allow me to test both their analytical abilities and their access to historical data. Here’s what I found:

  • ChatGPT: I was impressed with this response, as it not only provided a complete graph of the US recession rate over the past 5 years but also included relevant information and a single source for the data.

Follow up question response from ChatGPT

  • Perplexity AI: Unfortunately, Perplexity AI was unable to generate the graph. However, it did provide me with all the relevant information on the US recession over the years.

Follow up question response from Perplexity AI

Which one is better? It’s hard to say with 100% certainty, but since my role here is to review fairly and squarely, I would say that in this test, ChatGPT gave me the answers I was looking for.


Integrating ChatGPT and Perplexity AI can significantly streamline your business processes by automating tasks like content creation, data analysis, and customer interactions. Here’s a more detailed look at how these integrations can be set up and utilized:

ChatGPT Integration

  • Integration Methods: Use OpenAI’s API for direct coding or Make’s no-code platform for easy setup.

  • Practical Applications: Automate content generation, such as blog posts and social media content, and streamline customer support processes.

Perplexity AI Integration

  • Integration Methods: Perform API calls for custom integrations or use Make’s visual builder for a no-code approach.

  • Practical Applications: Enhance data processing and automate chat interactions by connecting with tools like Google Sheets and CRM systems.

Now, let's put ChatGPT and Perplexity head-to-head in something more productive and related to the daily tasks of a student, professional, or researcher. I tested both AI tools across six common use cases, and here are the results:

Use Case

Perplexity AI



Provided a general overview, lacking depth.

Delivered a detailed response with sources to back up the arguments.

Formal Letter

Well-structured and included all the key details.

Well-structured and included all the key details.

Business Plan Outline

Provided a very basic outline, missing some key aspects.

Offered a detailed outline, covering all important headings.

Summarize an Article

Provided a concise summary of the article.

Unable to access the link to summarize the article.

Answer a Technical Question

Provided a basic answer covering technical aspects and applications.

Offered a more detailed explanation, including key differences and applications.

Translate Text

Provided a clear and accurate translation of the text.

Provided a clear and accurate translation of the text.

I understand that many of my readers are eagerly awaiting a verdict on which AI tool to choose. However, there isn't a clear-cut answer, and it ultimately depends on your needs and requirements, as both tools are equal in terms of pricing. Here’s what I believe:

Perplexity AI is ideal for those who prioritize verified information and source-backed responses, making it a strong choice for research and fact-checking.

ChatGPT is better suited for tasks that require creativity, conversational interaction, and data analysis, making it versatile for content creation and problem-solving across various domains.


1. Which AI is more suitable for academic research, Perplexity AI or ChatGPT?

Perplexity AI is better for academic research when you need accurate, up-to-date information with citations. ChatGPT is more versatile, making it great for generating content and exploring ideas, but it may lack the sourcing detail that Perplexity provides. Choose based on whether you prioritize verified information or creative exploration.

2. Which AI is more effective for data analysis?

ChatGPT is more versatile than Perplexity AI when it comes to data analysis. It offers advanced data analytical capabilities, including features like Advanced Data Analysis (ADA), which allows for comprehensive data analysis. ChatGPT can generate interactive graphs, perform complex calculations, and provide detailed analysis plans, making it an excellent tool for researchers who want to analyze data through a conversational interface. However, these advanced features are only available with a ChatGPT Plus subscription.

Understanding the Unique Strengths of AI

As we draw comparisons between ChatGPT and Perplexity, it's essential to understand that these AI tools function significantly differently, making each uniquely valuable to users with varying needs. While discussing AI tools, there's another one you shouldn't miss: WPS AI. Integrated within WPS Office and the WPS Photos editor, it offers free AI services that enhance productivity and creativity. The true benefits of AI lie in mastering how to use it effectively.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.