
The best free resume builder for high school students

July 31, 2023 4.2K views

As a high school student, you're busy and probably don't have time to take time to create a resume by hand. That's where our free resume builder comes in! Moreover, you can choose from various templates or create your own, and our software will help you format and design your resume using the latest in online resume formats. It's quick and easy - so go ahead and get started today!

How to Write a Resume Professionally as a high school student?

When finding a job, the best way to start is by creating a resume. But if you're not used to writing resumes, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure how to do it. Thankfully, plenty of resources are available to help you write your resume effectively as a high school student. Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Start with an objective

Your resume should be tailored specifically to each job opening you apply to. To do this, determine what position you're targeting (entry-level, mid-level, or senior level). Once you know this, focus your resume on meeting the specific needs of that position.

2. Use keywords

When putting together your resume, you must include keywords that describe your experience and skills. This will help filter through the thousands of resumes online daily and make your profile more visible.

3. Keep it simple

Avoid putting too much information on one page, and keep your layout clean and easy to read. You want potential employers to be able to quickly scan through your resume and see if it's relevant to the position they're hiring for.

4. Proofread and perfect your resume

Once you have finalized your resume, take the time to proofread it several times and ensure that all your provided information is accurate and formatted correctly.

5. Get help

If you struggle to write a resume on your own, consider a free resume builder to writer or career consultant to help you out. They can provide specific tips and guidance to help you create the best possible resume for yourself.

10 Top Skills to Put on Your Resume as a high school student

If you're looking to get your foot in the door of the workforce, you'll want to put skills on your resume that show you're qualified for the positions you want. Here are ten skills that are common on resumes for high school students:

1. Strong writing skills

A good resume should be well-written and easy to read. You'll want to include clear, concise sentences highlighting your skills and experience.

2. Control of time

As a high school student, you probably have plenty of experience managing time. Moreover, use that to your advantage by highlighting how you've managed multiple tasks at once or how you can stay organized even under pressure.

3. Critical thinking skills

It's not enough to list facts; a good resume will showcase your ability to analyze problems and come up with solutions. Showcase how you used critical thinking in class, for example, or how you solved a complex problem independently.

4. Work experience

Even if you don't have any work experience, include relevant information about internships or jobs you've previously held. However, this will show employers that you can handle challenging tasks and help them better understand your skills.

5. Computer skills

In today's world, it's critical to have strong computer skills. Listing that you're proficient in Microsoft Word or Excel can give your resume an edge over others.

6. Customer service skills

No matter what your job, it's important to be able to handle customer service tasks. Listing examples of how you've handled difficult customers or solved customer issues can show potential employers that you can handle challenges.

7. Leadership skills

Whether you're a captain of the soccer team or the captain of the debate team, being able to lead others is critical. Include descriptions of any leadership roles you've taken in your past, and list any awards or accolades you've received.

8. Problem-solving skills

As a high school student, you're probably already used to dealing with problems daily. Use that skill set to your advantage by including examples of times when you overcame obstacles and solved complex problems.

9. Technical skills

If you have any special computer-related skills, list them on your resume. This can include anything from coding to website designing.

10. Communication skills

No matter what type of position you seek, good communication skills are necessary. Include examples of how you've effectively communicated with co-workers or clients, and describe any public speaking experiences.

By highlighting these ten skills, you'll show that you're a well-rounded candidate ready to take on any challenge.

The Format of a Resume for high school student

If you are a high school student searching for the right way to format your resume, you have come to the right place. A resume can be a valuable tool that helps you gain an edge in the job market. Here we will provide a free resume builder to help you create a perfect resume for high school students.

To start, you will need to gather your personal information. This includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. You will also want to include your GPA and other relevant information that would make you stand out from the rest.

After gathering your information, it is time to start creating your resume. To do this, first, begin by creating a header section. In this section, include your name, address, and email address. Next, add in your education information. This includes your grade level and the institution where you received your education. Underneath this section, list any jobs or positions you have previously held. Finally, add any other relevant information that would make you stand out from the rest.

Now it is time to move on to the body of the resume. In this section, highlight all of your skills and experience. Start by listing your major skills and experience. Underneath this, list any minor skills and experience that you feel would be relevant to the position you are applying for.

After listing your major skills and experience, it is time to highlight your qualifications. To do this, the first list any degrees or certifications you have obtained. Next, list any volunteer experiences you have had. Finally, list any awards or honors you have won.

It is time to finish the resume by including your contact information. In the first section of your address, include your street address and city. However, in the second section of your address, include your zip code and country. In the email section, include your email address and phone number.

You can create a perfect resume for high school students using this free resume builder.

What to Consider When Choosing a Free Resume Builder

When choosing a free resume builder, there are a few key things to remember.

First, consider the builder’s ease of use. If you’re unfamiliar with online resume-building tools, it can be frustrating to figure out how to build resume, look good on a basic platform.

Additionally, ensure the builder includes templates for different fields. Finally, read reviews and feedback from other users before settling on a free resume builder.

There are also a few benefits to using a free resume builder when preparing to apply for a job. A resume builder can help you organize your skills and abilities in one place, making it easier to find the right job. Additionally, using a free resume builder can better understand what types of jobs fit your skills and personality.

High school student Resume Examples (Templates)

Are you looking to build a resume for high school students? Look no further than our free resume builder. You can create a resume in just minutes, including examples of resumes that have successfully landed college jobs.

1st Resume Template


If you're a high school student looking for a resume template, this is the best one to use. It includes all of the necessary information that employers will be looking for, such as your education, extracurricular activities, and work experience. It's also formatted in an easy-to-read way so that employers can quickly see your qualifications.

High school students often need resume templates when applying for jobs or internships. The most important thing to include on a resume is your contact information, followed by your education and work experience. If you have any relevant skills or qualifications, be sure to include those as well. For a high school student, it is also important to list any extracurricular activities or community service experiences.

2nd Resume Template

A high school resume template can help you to build a resume free that will stand out from the rest. This type of template will often include a section for your educational background, as well as a section for your extracurricular activities. You should also include a section for your work experience, if you have any. Including these sections on your resume will help you demonstrate to potential employers that you are a well-rounded individual with a variety of skills and experiences.

3rd Resume Template

A high school resume is a tool that students can use to highlight their skills and accomplishments. This template can be used by students who are applying to college or for a job. The resume should include information such as the student's name, address, phone number, and email address. It should also include the student's GPA, class rank, and test scores. The resume should list any extracurricular activities, jobs, or volunteer work that the student has done.

There are a lot of high school resume templates out there. But which one is the best? This is the best high school resume template because it is simple and easy to read. It includes all the important information that should be included on a resume, such as education, work experience, skills, and interests. Plus, it is printable and can be easily customized to fit your needs.

Whether you're looking to gain experience in a specific field or want to show off your skills, our free resume builder has everything you need. So don't wait - start building your high school resume today with the free resume builder!


If you are a high school student looking to improve your resume, there is no better tool than WPS. This free resume builder can help you create a resume that is both professional and unique to you. With WPS, you can customize your resume to fit your unique skills and experience.

Utilizing the resume builder makes creating resumes significantly more efficient and simple. Have you ever tried creating your resume using Word? The whole process can be extremely difficult - you make one tiny tweak to your resume, and your entire resume design becomes completely unusable.

If you're looking for a free resume builder to help you create a professional resume for high school students, you should download the WPS free resume builder. WPS is a user-friendly application that allows you to create a resume in minutes.

Using WPS, you don't need to think about the details of creating a resume, such as a layout, font formatting, etc.

You have to select the appropriate resume template, and then fill it out, and you'll be ready to begin applying for job openings!

This is what separates WPS from other free resume builder:

· Our builder is extremely simple, even if you're tech-savvy.

· Start in less than 5 minutes. Choose any resume templates we offer, and you're ready to start!

· If you're using WPS Premium, you gain access to our cover letter creator for no cost (including the templates for cover letters that match).

· These resume builder we use offers an abundance of options for personalization. You can modify the layout, color schemes, and more.

· Our free resume templates are designed using the most well-known system for tracking applicants. This means that your resume won't be automatically denied at the hands of any ATS.

The Best Free Resume Builder For High School Students has been developed for high school students to create a resume that will help them get a job when they graduate. With the features of this software app, it is incredibly easy to create your resume, and in no time, you can have your best resume ever!

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