
WPS Office Tools Make It Easy to Combine PDF on Mac

October 11, 2024 1.8K views

In most cases, people use PDFs every day. If one intends to merge PDFs, then owning a Mac is going to work tremendously well for one. Using a Mac, combining different PDFs into a single document is easy. Other tasks that can be conducted include merging into one single page from two PDFs.

Preview is an important pre-installed app on Mac that will work tremendously well for the purpose. If you use a Mac, then different ways are available for merging PDF files. In this article, we take a look at the top ways for merging PDFs on Mac.

WPS Office Tools: One Of the Finest Implements for Combining PDFs on Mac

Many people nowadays do their office work over their laptops when away from the office. They may be working from their homes or somewhere else. This is in addition to working on their PCs, when in the office.

So, when the right sort of office software is considered for the users’ PCs at the office, its mobile compatibility is also put under scrutiny. A user will want his software to be compatible with his Mac and other devices as well. WPS office tools are high scorers in this regard.

Now, we will consider the case of PDFs. PDFs are used to store a range of information, both online and offline. The reasons that make the PDF format preferable and popular include its neatness and ease of modification.

However, merging PDFs comes to be an issue for many people who may not necessarily know how to go about it. The preferred way to go about it is to use the free PDF editor by WPS Office Tools. This PDF editor features end-to-end functionalities for editing. This way, PDF merging becomes possible over Mac.

Beyond merging PDFs, WPS Office also offers an elaborate range of PDF-related operations that are going to be exceptionally useful for office and student work. Document editing operations are, hence, simplified by using WPS Office Tools.

Let Us Consider How We Combine PDFs by Using WPS Office Tools

a. Launch WPS Office. PDF, PowerPoint, Excel, and Word menus will now be visible.

b. Select the PDF tab. This brings you to the PDF Editor.

c. On the menu bar, click on Merge PDFs. Another way of going about it is to first right-click over the concerned PDF file. From the resulting menu, click on Merge files.

d. From the menu now visible, select the combined file that needs to be merged. Several files can be combined via repeated uploads.

e. Files can be reordered by dragging.

f. After double-checking the new file name and output folder, click on Merge.

g. After merging, open the file to check the final transformed results.

An important tip to remember in the terms of merging encrypted PDFs is to first remove the encryption.

Using Preview for Merging PDFs On Mac

Preview is the default app of Apple but it is very powerful. By using Preview, merging different PDFs into one document simplifies. Here’s how we go about it.

a. Launch Preview.

b. Select the first PDF that you intend to combine.

c. From the top menu, select “Thumbnails”.

d. A sidebar will now appear and it will show the thumbnails of the pages viewed currently.

e. Click over the thumbnail.

f. If you intend to add pages from the file, do it by selecting Edit > Insert.

g. Now, click on the option that says “Page from File”.

h. Choose and open the PDF file that you intend to combine.

i. With the action in the prior step, a second PDF file is added to the first. When you drag the thumbnails, you can rearrange the pages.

j. Finally, with the action File > Export as PDF your combined document will be saved as a PDF file.

Merging Two PDFs with Different Parts On Mac

a. Launch Preview.

b. For all PDF files that need to be merged, set up different windows.

c. Now, for all PDF windows, View > Thumbnail.

d. At this point, the sidebar will no longer show the thumbnails of the pages currently viewed

e. You have the thumbnails of the two PDF files with you. Conduct drag-and-drop operations for those thumbnails as required.

f. Command-Click lets you select multiple thumbnails.

g. Finally, to create a combined document in the format of a PDF file, go to File > Export as PDF.

Using Adobe Acrobat for Combining PDFs on Mac

One of the most noteworthy features of Adobe Acrobat is its capability to work with multiple files. Irrespective of the file format that is under use, it can be merged or combined into a single PDF.

Now if saving time is what you are looking at, then it would work just fine to first open each file, and then save it as PDF.

In this section, we’ll consider how we go about combining PDFs on Mac using Adobe Acrobat. A user needs to first install Adobe Acrobat on his Mac.

a. From the File dropdown menu, select Create > Combine Multiple Files into a Single PDF. Alternatively, if you have opened the file already, you may choose to right-click over it and select “Combine Files”.

b. Next, a user drags the files into the “Add Files” box. Another way of going about it is to use the Add Open Files and Add files buttons.

c. Via this operation, you can select the different types of documents, all together. This includes emails, PowerPoint presentations, Images, and Word documents.

d. Creating a single PDF document is what we are looking at. So, after choosing all the files, click on “Combine”.

Combine PDF on Mac with WPS

WPS Office is the best method to combine PDF files, free of charge. While WPS Office is compatible with MacOS, it is compatible with Windows as well. Alternatively, WPS Office works on Android and iOS devices.

WPS Office delivers ease to data processing in a range of situations. A free trial of the same is also available, which you can try today.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.