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Excel formula: if cell contains text then return value in another cell

August 15, 2023

Checking whether a cell has a value based on a specified criterion is one of the most common activities performed in Excel. Text, a date, or any other type of numeric value may be used for this value.

In this article, I'll demonstrate a few Excel formulas that will show excel formula if cell contains text then return value. We have a variety of products, including mobile, desktop, and laptop. We now need to identify several value kinds in relation to the condition. It goes without saying that the following formulas may be useful for locating the data in relation to certain criteria.s

Using IF function in excel:

When you know that Desktop has been delivered. Next, you need to determine which city and cell have the information that Desktop is supplied. The IF function is available.

A logical operation based on a given statement is the IF function. For an IF statement, there are two possible outcomes. When you compare the two results, the first is true and the second is false.

The function's syntax is

=IF (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

How to use the IF Function?

Step 1: Choose An Empty Cell, Like D5 In Microsoft Excel

Select a blank cell (say D5) and use the IF function in Excel. It enables you to conduct logical assessments and provide varying outcomes based on the truth or falsehood of the test.

To use the IF function, you need to follow a specific syntax. Here's an example: =IF(A1>10,"Yes","No")

Suppose if you are testing whether the value in cell A1 is greater than 10. If it is, the function returns "Yes". If it's not, the process produces "No".

Now let's break down the syntax:

  • The IF function starts with an equal sign (=).

  • Next comes the function name (IF).

  • Then we have an open parenthesis.

  • Inside the parenthesis, we have three arguments separated by commas.

  • The first argument is the logical test (A1>10).

  • The second argument is the value to return if the test is actual ("Yes").

  • The third argument is the value to return if the test is false ("No").

  • Finally, we close the parenthesis and hit enter.

Once you hit enter, the function will evaluate the logical test and return "Yes" or "No".

Step 2: Enter the formula

In order to use an IF function in Excel, you need to identify the cell or section of cells that will be used. Based on the values in these cells, what formula would give you the answer? In this example, we use the formula =IF (C5=Dhaka, Delivered, Not Delivered), where C5 refers to a specific cell value representing the city of Dhaka.

Once you have input this formula, Excel will evaluate the logical test you have defined based on the specified criteria. To determine what value would be returned based on the formula in these cells, we look at the result of the logical test.

To apply this formula to other cells, you can use the Fill Handle tool, which allows you to quickly copy the formula to other cells in the same column. It will save your time and help ensure consistency across your data sets.

Using IF function

Other useful tips and tricks for working with IF Functions efficiently

When working with IF functions, some tips and tricks can make your work much easier and more efficient.

  • Use the formula editor to your advantage. This tool can help you quickly and easily build complex formulas with multiple IF statements or other functions.

  • Stay organized and break your formulas down into smaller components whenever possible. It can help to make your recipes more readable and easier to troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

Using ISNUMBER function in excel:

If an integer exists, the ISNUMBER function returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE. To make sure a cell contains the appropriate value, use the ISNUMBER function in conjunction with the SEARCH or FIND function.

Another function that can automatically return the value in a cell is the ISNUMBER function. ISNUMBER is a versatile function that allows you to determine whether a cell value is a number. It comes in handy when performing calculations or analyses based on numeric data.

To start, you'll need to choose a blank cell, such as D5, where you will enter the formula. Next, you'll need to specify the cell range where you want to search for a specific text value. Let's say, for example, that you wish to search for the word "Desktop" in cells B5 through B10. Now, if you’re wondering what formula would produce a value in these cells, it is given as follows:


When you hit Enter, Excel will apply the formula to the selected cell range and return the result. The result will be a list of TRUE or FALSE values, depending on whether the text value "Desktop" is found in each cell in the range.

If you want to make the search case-sensitive, you'll need to add the FIND function to the formula. The FIND function takes three arguments: the text is found, the cell range to be searched, and an optional starting position for the search. Here's the updated formula: =ISNUMBER(FIND("Desktop",B5:B10))

Using the FIND function with ISNUMBER, your formula will return an error value (#VALUE!) if the search term cannot be found.

So, there you have it - a quick and easy way to use the ISNUMBER function in Excel! Incorporating this function into your spreadsheet analysis allows you to take full advantage of Excel's powerful data management capabilities.

Functioning Of ISNUMBER

Employing VLOOKUP function in excel:

Consider distributing discount coupons for a fixed product item through an advertisement. Later, how will you recognize the actual item if a consumer desires any thing using a promotional code?Excel offers a straightforward yet useful function called VLOOKUP that may be used to locate any vertical data.

Excel's VLOOKUP feature allows you to search a table's vertically arranged data. Both approximate and exact matching are supported by VLOOKUP. The function's syntax is=VLOOKUP (value, table, col_index, [range_lookup]) 

VLOOKUP is a powerful and widely-used function in Excel that enables us to quickly extract data from a dataset based on a specific lookup value. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced Excel user, VLOOKUP is an essential tool you should master.

Features Of VLOOKUP Function

  • Value

The "value" parameter represents the data you are searching for in the table. This value can be a single-cell reference or a formula that calculates a value.

  • Table

You need to specify the "table" parameter which is the range or array of cells where the information resides. Selecting the entire range you want to search through, including any columns containing labels or identifiers, is essential.

  • Column Index

The third parameter, "col_index," is the column number in the range that contains the information you want to retrieve. The count starts with the first column in the content, counting from left to right.

  • Range Lookup

The "range_lookup" determines whether the search should be an exact match or an approximate match. An exact match is only returned if an exact match is found in the table. On the other hand, an imprecise game will return the next most considerable value that is less than or equal to the search value.



VLOOKUP is a powerful and widely-used function in Excel that enables us to quickly extract data from a dataset based on a specific lookup value. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced Excel user, VLOOKUP is an essential tool you should master.

Step 1: Select a Blank Cell

The first step is to select a blank cell where you want to display the result. In this case, let's choose cell C15. Then, you need to enter the formula, which involves four arguments: the lookup value, the data range, the column index, and the match type. It may seem overwhelming, but it's pretty straightforward.

First, you specify the lookup value, which is the value that you want to search for in the first column of the data range.

Step 2: Define the Data Range

Next, you need to define the data range, which is the range of cells containing the lookup value and the data you want to extract. In our case, we're using the content B5:D11.

Step 3: Give the Column Index

The third argument is the column index, which refers to the column number in the data range from which you want to extract information. In our example, we want to extract data from the second column, corresponding to column 2 in the data range A1:B6.

Step 4: Specify the Match Type

You need to specify the match type, which determines whether the lookup value needs to be an exact match. In our case, we want an exact match, so we use the value False.

Once you've entered the formula correctly, all you need to do is hit Enter and voila! You'll see the result of the VLOOKUP function.

Advantages of using WPS for automatic cell value retrieval

1. Compatibility of WPS with microsoft excel

WPS (Wireless Presentation System) offers a range of benefits, with one of its key advantages being its compatibility with Microsoft Excel. This compatibility means that users can easily retrieve and update cell values without any hassle.

With WPS, automatic cell value retrieval is simplified, making the process much more efficient.

Not only does this save time, but it also reduces the risk of errors that can occur when manually updating cell values.

In a nutshell, WPS is a reliable and convenient solution for automatic cell value retrieval that can benefit both businesses and individuals alike.

2. Large array of built-in functions

WPS is a powerful tool that enables efficient data manipulation and retrieval, with an array of built-in functions that can get the job done quickly.

With various functions, formulas, and tools available at the click of a button, WPS streamlines the process for automatic cell value retrieval.

One of the advantages of using WPS is the ease with which it can perform complex calculations and analyses, saving you time and ensuring you get accurate results.

From basic arithmetic operations to statistical functions, WPS has covered you with many built-in functions.

3. Capacity for complex data analysis

Whether you're dealing with large sets of numerical data or a mixture of different data types, WPS can efficiently process and analyze your information, giving you insights that might have been difficult or impossible to discover using other methods.

By automating the process of retrieving cell values, WPS can save you time and effort while providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions for your business.

4. User-friendly interface

It ensures accuracy, saves time, and eliminates the risk of manual errors that can cause drawbacks to your projects. WPS takes care of everything, from calculating complex formulas to generating charts and tables, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity.

The future of data analysis is no longer labor-intensive but WPS-enabled, delivering more accurate results in a shorter time.

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Algirdas Jasaitis

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the difference between VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions?

The main difference between VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions lies in the orientation of the data they search. VLOOKUP (Vertical Lookup) searches for a value in the leftmost column of a table or range and returns a corresponding value from a specified column. It works vertically, searching down a column to find a match.

On the other hand, HLOOKUP (Horizontal Lookup) searches for a value in the top row of a table or range and returns a corresponding value from a specified row. It operates horizontally, searching across a row to find a match.

Q2. Can I combine multiple functions for more complex cell value retrieval?

You can combine multiple functions to achieve more complex cell value retrieval. This approach allows you to leverage the capabilities of different positions to manipulate and retrieve the desired values.

Q3. Are there any limitations to using custom functions for returning cell values?

Yes, some limitations exist to using custom functions to return cell values, like compatibility, performance, maintenance and updates, etc.


Returning cell values in Excel is an example where automation can save us time and effort. There are instances where we need to replace specific cell values based on certain conditions. This can be a tedious task if we have an extensive dataset. However, this process can be automated using functions which can save us a significant amount of time.

Excel has a vast array of functions that can help us automate returning cell values. Exploring what function can automatically return the value in a cell can save us significant time and effort in Excel. Parts such as VLOOKUP and IF can be used to automate the data management process, making our lives easier.

Besides, WPS Office can be a great alternative to Excel as it offers a wide range of powerful features that greatly enhance the efficiency and functionality of automatically returning cell values in spreadsheets.

Whether it's performing complex calculations, analyzing data, or simplifying spreadsheet structures, WPS Office proves to be a versatile and efficient tool for managing and manipulating data effectively. Switch to WPS office today for an unforgettable experience!

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.