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How to change the thickness of PDF handwritten signature.
You will be the amazing reporter with WPS Presentation, which could be an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint. 1. Open PDF files in WPS Office. 2. Click the Insert tab, then click Sign before selecting Create signature.3. Click Draw, then choose the size of fonts in upper right of the pop-up window.4. Drag your handwritten signature to the place you want.
How to draw on a PDF
When using WPS to preview a PDF file, how can we draw on it to markdown key points when necessary? Here are the steps. 1. Open the PDF file in WPS. 2. Get into the Comment tab → click the Graffiti dropdown button.3. Then, we can access quick settings for ink marks in the dropdown list, to change the color, width, opacity of the line. 4. Start to draw on the PDF page as your favorite. * Tips: For advanced settings of ink marks, click the Graffiti button.
How to create a handwritten signature in PDF
1. Use WPS Office to open a PDF file.2. Click Insert → Sign → Create signature in sequence.3. In the pop-up PDF signature box, select Draw. And write what you want in the input box by controlling the mouse.4. Click OK. Choose the location of the signature and click the page. To be office specialists, you could learn how to use WPS Office online in WPS Academy.
How to add a signature or seal in a PDF file
1. Use WPS Office to open a PDF file.2. Click Insert → Sign → Create signature.3. In the pop-up PDF signature box, choose Input, Image or Draw to insert a signature or seal.4. Click OK finally. To be office specialists, you could learn how to use WPS Office online in WPS Academy.
How to set the background color in the PDF file free?
1. Use WPS Office to open the PDF file.2. Click Menu in the upper left corner → Settings.3. In the pop-up Custom Setting dialog interface, choose General.4. In the Preference Settings box, adjust the Background Color as needed. To be office specialists, you could learn how to use WPS Office online in WPS Academy.
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