There are 4 free training courses of how to use office suite for undefined
How to zoom in and out in powerpoint (3 ways)
There are many reasons why you may be interested in WPS Presentation and its powerful functions. Zoom allows you to zoom in and out a specific section while making in your presentation.Today's free course will tell you how to zoom in and out in WPS Presentation with three different ways. In today’s tutorial, we will learn three ways to zoom in and out the slides.1. Use the Ctrl+ scroll wheel.2. The Zoom slider at the bottom of the screen.3. Go to the View tab > Zoom in. · Use the C....
How to open Slide Sorter View in PowerPoint
1. Open the PPT file.2. Click the View tab and click the Slide Sorter button. Then, we can open Slide Sorter View. 3. We can also click the left mouse button to drag the slide to the appropriate position, making it easier to rearrange slides. You will be the amazing reporter with WPS Presentation, which could be an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.
How to print powerpoint with speaker notes
Printing powerpoint slides with notes is sometimes helpful for a speaker when making presentations. Here are the steps to realize it. 1. Open the popup “Print” window with shortcut key Ctrl+P. (Tips: Another option in this step is to click the Memu dropdown list → File → Print) 2. Choose the Notes pages option in the category titled Print what3. Click OK to print the powerpoint with notes.* Tips: You can click Preview to view the printing effect.Thousands of free WPS Presentation templ....
How to add guides in WPS Presentation
1. Use WPS Office to open slides.2. Click the View tab → the Grid and Guides button.3. In the pop-up dialog, we can check Display drawing guides on screen, Display smart guides on screen and Objects follow with guides in the Guide settings area.4. After completing the setting, click the OK button.5. When we drag the text box to align the object with the guide, we can find that an orange smart guide on the screen will help us. Then we only need to drag each element to align with the gui....
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