There are 8 free training courses of how to use office suite for undefined
How to Count Cells with A Specific Text in Excel
How To Count Cells With A Specific Text In Excel – WPS Academy Have you ever wondered how to count the number of cells that contain a specific text in Excel? Or maybe there is a certain number you want to achieve with this or a particular condition for some cells. This can be useful when you want to analyze the time you spent during different activities, where you have to know the general statistics of your working hours. For example, maybe you want to count all the products that have ....
How to convert text to rows in Excel?
How to convert Text to Rows in Excel-WPS Academy For analysis and report preparation, we occasionally need to extract data from a variety of files in a variety of formats. In such cases, we might need to convert portion of the cell's data to columns. There are several techniques in Excel to transform text to rows of data. Split a Text Cell into Two or More Rows in Excel With Excel's Text to Columns and Transpose Data functions, text in a single cell that is delimited by a cer....
How to use LEFT and RIGHT formulas together in excel
Are you ready to master how to use LEFT and RIGHT formulas together in excel? After learning this WPS free course, you will be advanced from a beginner in WPS Spreadsheet. · What is WPS Spreadsheet? WPS Spreadsheet is compatible with Microsoft Office Excel. As the world's leading developer of office software solutions, WPS Office provides free applications for individuals and businesses to improve productivity. · What is the LEFT and RIGHT function in WPS Spreadsheet? They both all....
How to convert formula to text string in Excel?
How To Convert Formula To Text String In Excel -WPS academy If you've ever been frustrated by the fact that there is no way to convert formula to text string in excel, this is the article for you. Excel has been around for years, and it's still going strong. One of the things that makes it so popular is that it's easy to use. But when you need to get more advanced or want to do something outside of the box, it can be tough. There are some ways to make this easier on your....
How to Extract Text From a Cell in Excel?
To extract text from a cell in Excel you might have to remove messages all along, center, or from a particular piece of a cell. In this instructional exercise, we will tell you the best way to extract a text from a cell in Excel.
How to convert columns to text in Excel
In this article, we can learn how to convert columns to text in excel. The Text to Columns button is located in the Data Tools group on the Data tab of the ribbon. Use the columns to text feature to save your time.
How to Use Excel Formula IF Cell Contains Text in Excel
How to use excel formula IF cell contains text in Excel- WPS Academy Excel has several formulas that can help you use your data in a convenient way. For example, you can get the output based on whether the cell meets certain specifications. One of Excel's most common tasks is to see if a cell has a value based on a particular condition. This value can be text, date, or any other number. In this article, we are going to show some Excel formulas to return value in another cell if th....
How to cut off text in excel
How to cut off text in excel -WPS academy When you are reading a Microsoft excel file, you've probably noticed that there is a lot of extra content in the top and bottom of the columns. This can be very annoying when you're trying to access a specific column or row on your spreadsheet. Cutting off text in Excel is one of the most common actions - whether you're extracting a part of a cell, or want to create a table from your data. There are different ways to do it and in....
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