There are 8 free training tutorials of how to use office suite for undefined
How to Delete Extra Page in Word 2016 with Header and Footer?
It's time for you to learn how to delete extra pages in Word to work efficiently with all the new tools that Word provides. For this reason, it is essential that you also practice how to delete extra page in Word 2016 so that you become an expert in this program. You must discover how to delete extra page in word free so that when it happens to you, you will know how to solve this problem efficiently. Below, you can discover 3 practical methods that will take care of helping you how de....
How to hide comments when printing in word ?
If you want to stand out as the best employee of the week, it's only right that you learn a few Word tricks. Among the things you should consider knowing is to hide comments when printing in Word so you can take advantage of it. When you learn to hide comments when printing in word a document, you will be able to copy files like a pro by removing the author mark. However, to master the tool that will help you hide comments when printing in Word, you must apply two different methods. Yo....
How to change orientation of one page in Word mac?
Sometimes it is necessary to change all or individual pages orientations. The best example is writing documents in portrait mode but to insert charts and tables you need to change orientation. If you want to find out how to change orientation of one page in word, you have come to the right place In this tutorial, you will get to know how to change orientation of one page in word whether in a one page document, or single page in multi-page document. Change orientation of one page in a s....
Make one page landscape word on mac
HOW TO MAKE ONE PAGE LANDSCAPE WORD - WPS, WPS Office,writer,Spreadsheet,Presentation Sometimes it is necessary to change all page orientations and sometime to change individually. The best example of it can be writing documents in portrait mode but making some pages in landscape orientation is also necessary to insert charts and tables that have many columns in a singel row. If you want to find out how to make one page landscape word, you have come to the right place In this tutorial,....
How to remove a page break in Word document on mac?
How to remove a page break in word How to remove a page break in a word? In the long-form of word documents, it’s necessary to have a few page breaks in the document. In other words, a page break is used as a marker to split one page into another and is very helpful in case of printing the word document. Sometimes page breaks create problems for our professionally organized word document in that situation removing a page break is the best option to consider. Similarly, page break....
How to Insert Line Break inside a Cell in Excel on Mac
You can enter contents in cells using Excel to manage spreadsheets. In this blog, we will discuss how to enter within a cell in excel easily.
How to add page numbers in word document excluding cover page
Word gives you the best high-quality tools, so you can use them when creating your documents. This post shows you how you can make your work much more professional, such as how to add page numbers in Word. Word techniques are quite useful and even more so when you have to number the pages of your document. This program is one of the most used in the world by millions of people. But still, there are hundreds of people who don't know how to add page numbers in Word and other easy-to-use ....
3 simple ways to delete page in Word
How word delete the page in 3 simple ways How does Word delete the page in 3 simple ways? Making mistakes while working on a word document is normal and sometimes unwanted pages are created which are too confusing for beginner-level people. In other words, these peoples want to delete page words trying on their own and create a lot of mistakes. All they need is a step-by-step instruction in the word delete page by using 3 simple ways. Here are the few steps that you need to follow to a....
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